Evidence Library

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Family Support Worker Pilot Role in 4 English Prisons 2009–10, 242

Summary of Evaluation

Evaluation of the trial Family Support Worker at HMPs Belmarsh, Bristol, Leeds & Wandsworth, involving Pact, Safe Ground and Jigsaw.

It concludes that there is a clear need for this type of role which provides an effective link between the prisoners and their families. The service provided was held to be overwhelmingly positive by the service users and prison service colleagues. It includes recommendations for further development of the role in different types of establishment with the aim of expanding provision across the prison estate.

The evaluation draws on quantitative and qualitative data gained from FSWs, relevant prison staff, other involved professionals, prisoners, their families and supporters, to report on the extent of this potential and to inform the framework for a possible national model.


The purpose of the FSW pilot was to test the potential for developing a viable responsive casework service to prisoners, their children, families and supporters.

The Family Support Worker (FSW) role has evolved from a partnership between the charities Pact and Safe Ground which, respectively, provide prison-based support and educative family relationships programmes to prisoners and their families. The National Offender Management Service (NOMS, Ministry of Justice) and the former Department of Children, Schools and Families (now Department for Education) have funded the piloting of the FSW role in four English prisons between 1st July 2009 and 30th June 2010.


This evaluation report has presented the quantitative data about the characteristics, of 928 SUs returned by the FSWs to the Research Team over respective periods of 6½ months (Leeds) and 9 months (Belmarsh, Bristol and Wandsworth). It has also extracted relevant data from a total of 128 qualitative interviews with 90 service users and 38 staff, including 8 FSWs and a social work student on a FSW placement.

Gwyneth Boswell
Fiona Poland
Avril Price
Safe Ground
Boswell Research Fellows
Project Setting
Belmarsh, Bristol, Wandsworth
Participant Age Adult
Participant Gender Male, Female
Project Region Greater London, South West, Multiple across England and Wales, Yorkshire
Art Form Drama, Multiple art forms
Project Outputs Structured workshop programme
Research Focus Desistance from crime, Resettlement
Methodology Data analysis, Academic analysis, Interviews
Data Type Qualitative, Quantitative
Research Limitations Pilot programme
Publication Type Independent Report