Evidence Library

Unlocking Value: the economic benefit of the arts in criminal justice, 230

Summary of Evaluation

In late 2010, the Arts Alliance commissioned National Philanthropy Capital (NPC) to explore whether the value of the arts in criminal justice could be expressed through economic analysis. To do this, they selected three arts charities as case studies and undertook economic analyses of their interventions.

This report quantifies the costs and estimated benefits of these case study arts organisations and makes recommendations about economic analysis to charities, funders and the government.


NPC began research in December 2010 by conducting a literature review. They then asked for recommendations and submissions from the Arts Alliance to identify three charities as case studies. Their primary requirement for selection was that the organisations collect outcomes data that could be used in economic analysis. They chose charities that have good outcomes data and work with different groups of offenders:

  • Clean Break, which works with women
  • Only Connect, which works with men; and
  • Unitas, which works with young people.

Key Quote

Our economic analyses of Clean Break, Only Connect and Unitas Summer Arts Colleges show that these three charities provide savings to the public purse as well as improve the life chances of the people helped. This is without counting the wider impact of the arts.

The results from these charities suggest that the arts have the potential to play an important role in the rehabilitation of some offenders. Because of this potential, further investment in arts programmes, coupled with robust monitoring and evaluation to collect better evidence about what works, for whom, and why, could increase the value the sector provides.