
Beats & Bars - Music in Prisons: An Evaluation

The report evaluated a series of five-day music projects which took place in eight men’s prisons across England from October 2007 to July 2008. The evaluation was aimed at understanding the impact of the project on its participants’ engagement with purposeful activities whilst in prison. In particular the impact of ... read on →

Authors Alexandra Cox, Loraine Gelsthorpe (Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge , University of Cambridge)


Artform Music

Organisation The Irene Taylor Trust (Music in Prisons)   Project venues Brixton , Edmunds Hill, Littlehey, Manchester, Wandsworth, Wayland, Whatton

Participant type Male Adult Offenders

Sample size: 69

Fair!: An evaluation of a Music in Prisons and National Youth Theatre collaboration at HMPYOI Bullwood Hall

Fair is an evaluation of a collaborative project between Music in Prisons and the National Youth Theatre. The project involved the creation of an original piece of music theatre devised and performed by 19 women. This report summarises the immediate effects of the project and the results of evaluation and ... read on →

Author Georgie Goddard


Artform Music

Organisation The Irene Taylor Trust (Music in Prisons)   Project venue Bullwood Hall

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