
Re-imagining futures: Exploring arts interventions and the process of desistance

Carried out by Northumbria University and Bath Spa University, this report highlights examples of how the arts can support positive changes linked to personal agency, efficacy and identity, which are linked to the highly individualised journey of desistance from criminal behaviour. Key findings show that participation in arts activities enables ... read on →

Authors Charlotte Bilby, Laura Caulfield, Louise Ridley

Published November 2013

Artforms Craft, Creative Writing, Music, Visual Arts

Organisation Arts Alliance

Participant type Male and Female Adult Offenders

Sample size: 30

Musical Learning and Desistance from Crime: The case of a 'Good Vibrations' Javanese Gamelan project with young offenders

This paper discusses new empirical evidence for a positive relationship between musical learning and desistance from crime. On investigating the learning processes occurring within a Javanese gamelan project in a Young Offenders Institution, parallels between musical learning processes and the development of certain attributes linked to desistance from crime emerged.  ... read on →

Author Jennie Henley (Institute of Education, University of London, University of London)

Published February 2012

Artform Music

Organisation Good Vibrations

Participant type Male Young Offenders

Evidence Review: Music making with young offenders and young people at risk of offending

This review by the University of the West of England (UWE) was commissioned by Youth Music in March 2011 with the purpose of identifying evidence concerning the impact of music making on young people within the youth justice system. The Review aim was to gather and, if possible, synthesise evidence ... read on →

Authors Norma Daykin, Nick de Viggiani, Yvonne Moriaty, Paul Pilkington (University of the West of England )

Published July 2011

Artform Music

Organisation Youth Music

Participant type Male and Female Young Offenders

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