
Supporting employability and personal effectiveness through the arts: international evaluation of this European Project by Jo Cursley

Supporting employability and personal effectiveness (SEPE) is the name of a qualification which was first conceived by the University of Exeter, developed and accredited by Edexcel and piloted through Superact by funding from Leonardo Lifelong Learning Project and the Medicor Foundation in five European countries. The arts were used as ... read on →

Author Jo Cursley (University of Exeter)

Published 2012

Artforms Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts

Participant type Male and Female Adult Offenders

Evaluation of Dancing Inside: a creative workshop by Motionhouse Dance Theatre_yr 2 programme

This present study examines year two of the Dancing Inside project:Motionhouse Dance Theatre workshops conducted with prisoners in HMP Dovegate’s Therapeutic Community.  Its aim was to provide evidence for the short term impacts of participating in the workshops and also to examine the longer term gains made by dance participants. ... read on →

Author Jennifer Brown (Forensic and Clinical Psychology Research Group, University of Surrey, University of Surrey)

Published November 2004

Artform Dance

Organisation Motionhouse Dance   Project venue Dovegate

Participant type Adult Offenders

Sample size: 13

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