
The ‘Family Man’ Impact Study

An Evaluation of the Longer-Term Effectiveness of Safe Ground’s Revised Family Relationships Programme on Prisoner Graduates, their Supporters and Families, this independent study assessed the longer-term impact of the Family Man programme delivered in HMPs Belmarsh, Birmingham, Bristol, Highpoint, Leeds, Parc (Wales) and Wandsworth from 2008-10. It concluded that the ... read on →

Authors Gwyneth Boswell, Annie Moseley, Fiona Poland (School of Allied Health Professions, University of East Anglia , University of East Anglia )

Published October 2011

Artform Drama

Organisation Safe Ground   Project venues Belmarsh, Birmingham, Bristol, Highpoint, Leeds, Parc, Wandsworth

Participant type Male Adult Offenders

Sample size: 54

Women and Anger

An evaluation ofThe evaluation report concluded that findings indicate that the programme can be effective in the selection, engagement and facilitation of attitudinal and personal change for women who identify themselves as having problems with the management and expression of angry feelings. This evaluation focused on two key factors: To ... read on →

Authors Rebecca Clarke, Patrick Williams (Reclaim North West)

Published 2005

Artform Multi-Arts

Organisation Clean Break   Project venues Cookham Wood, Winchester

Participant type Female Adult Non offenders, Female Adult Offenders

Sample size: 40

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