
An evaluation of The Irene Taylor Trust’s Sounding Out programme 2016-2018

Sounding Out is a music traineeship which provides former prisoners with longer-term opportunities upon their release, to bridge the gap between inside and outside prison. The evaluation takes a qualitative approach to explore the views and experiences of participants, staff and family members to understand if and how Sounding Out ... read on →

Authors Laura Caulfield, Andrew Jolly, Rachel Massie (Institute for Community Research & Development, University of Wolverhampton)

Published March 2019

Artform Music

Organisation The Irene Taylor Trust (Music in Prisons)

Participant type Male Adult Ex offenders

Sample size: 10

Write to be Heard: Supporting Offender Learning through Creative Writing

The report explores the impact of a creative writing programme developed to engage ‘hard to reach’ learners in prison.   The mechanism was a creative writing competition, incorporating a schedule of workshops in 28 prisons, encouraging entrants to write pieces for broadcast on National Prison Radio (NPR).  Using qualitative and quantitative ... read on →

Authors Jane Hurry, Patrice Lawrence, Jessica Plant, Anita Wilson (Arts Alliance)

Published March 2014

Artform Creative Writing

Organisation Arts Alliance   Project venue Prisons around the UK

Participant type Male and Female Adult Offenders

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