
The ‘Family Man’ Impact Study

An Evaluation of the Longer-Term Effectiveness of Safe Ground’s Revised Family Relationships Programme on Prisoner Graduates, their Supporters and Families, this independent study assessed the longer-term impact of the Family Man programme delivered in HMPs Belmarsh, Birmingham, Bristol, Highpoint, Leeds, Parc (Wales) and Wandsworth from 2008-10. It concluded that the ... read on →

Authors Gwyneth Boswell, Annie Moseley, Fiona Poland (School of Allied Health Professions, University of East Anglia , University of East Anglia )

Published October 2011

Artform Drama

Organisation Safe Ground   Project venues Belmarsh, Birmingham, Bristol, Highpoint, Leeds, Parc, Wandsworth

Participant type Male Adult Offenders

Sample size: 54

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