
A Narrative-Based Evaluation of 'Changing Tunes' Music-Based Prisoner Reintegration Interventions

The report explains the results of exploratory research into the work of the prison based charity Changing Tunes, which uses music both within and also outside prison with offenders and ex offenders. Evidence revealed that the pro social impact on the participants came as a result both of participation in ... read on →

Authors Jo Cursley, Shadd Maruna

Published January 2015

Artform Music

Organisation Changing Tunes   Project venues Eastwood Park, Leyhill, Winchester

Participant type Male and Female Adult Ex offenders, Male and Female Adult Offenders, Male and Female Adult Staff

Art in Prisons: a literature review of the philosophies and impacts of visual art programs for correctional populations

This review was commissioned by Arts Access Australia to examine evidence for the value of visual arts programs in Australian prisons and their impact on adult inmates. It considers current philosophies behind art programs, how they are implemented and how ‘success’ is measured, and includes an annotated bibliography of relevant ... read on →

Author Alexandra Djurichkovic (University of Technology Sydney)

Published February 2011

Artform Visual Arts

Organisation Arts Accesss (Australia)

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