
Research report: HMP/YOI Winchester Applied Theatre pilot 2018

This report was produced by researchers at University of Winchester (Applied Criminology). It details the findings of an evaluation of a pilot project which was designed and delivered by BearFace Theatre CIC and funded by Hampshire Cultural Trust which was aimed at using a new Applied Theatre intervention to impact ... read on →

Authors Adrian Barton, Alexandra Russell (University of Winchester)

Published September 2018

Artform Theatre

Organisations BearFace Theatre CIC, Hampshire Cultural Trust, HMP/YPI Winchester, University of Winchester   Project venue HMP/YPI Winchester

Participant type Male 21-24 Offenders

Sample size: 10

Impact of Blagg on challenging and reducing offending by young people

This independent evaluation highlights the potentially positive contribution drama based projects can make to the development of group work provision for young people at risk of offending.Blagg had most significant impact on young people’s awareness of the effect of offending on victims, their awareness of thoughts, feelings and decision making ... read on →

Author Jenny Hughes (Centre for Applied Theatre Research, University of Manchester, University of Manchester)


Artform Drama

Organisation Tipp

Participant type Juvenile Offenders

Sample size: 33

Engage Cymru 'Summer Arts Colleges Summer 2016'

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Author Angela Rogers (Engage Cymru)

Artform Visual Arts

Organisations Engage Cymru, Unitas   Project venues Bridgend and Hillside Secure Unit, Parc

Participant type Male Juvenile Offenders, Male Juvenile Young People at risk

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