
Supporting employability and personal effectiveness through the arts: international evaluation of this European Project by Jo Cursley

Supporting employability and personal effectiveness (SEPE) is the name of a qualification which was first conceived by the University of Exeter, developed and accredited by Edexcel and piloted through Superact by funding from Leonardo Lifelong Learning Project and the Medicor Foundation in five European countries. The arts were used as ... read on →

Author Jo Cursley (University of Exeter)

Published 2012

Artforms Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts

Participant type Male and Female Adult Offenders

Good Vibrations: Music and social education for young offenders

This evaluation looked at the project from the point of view of music education, identifying individual and social factors generated through musical development that also are attributed to desistence from crime. These were divided into two categories:- Individual Agency:Personal Identity Diversity Motivation Hope Self-determination Personal strengths  Social Interactions: Professional relationships ... read on →

Author Jennie Henley (Institute of Education, University of London, University of London)

Published August 2012

Artform Music

Organisation Good Vibrations   Project venue Swinfen Hall

Participant type Male Young Offenders

Sample size: 19

Musical Learning and Desistance from Crime: The case of a 'Good Vibrations' Javanese Gamelan project with young offenders

This paper discusses new empirical evidence for a positive relationship between musical learning and desistance from crime. On investigating the learning processes occurring within a Javanese gamelan project in a Young Offenders Institution, parallels between musical learning processes and the development of certain attributes linked to desistance from crime emerged.  ... read on →

Author Jennie Henley (Institute of Education, University of London, University of London)

Published February 2012

Artform Music

Organisation Good Vibrations

Participant type Male Young Offenders

An Evaluation of Geese Theatre’s Inside Talk Programme

This study examined the impact of Inside Talk, a theatre-based programme designed to improve listening and speaking skills of offenders. The study used psychometric testing and post-programme interviews to assess the effectiveness of the programme. Interviews revealed the positive impact the programme had on participants. This provides evidence supporting the ... read on →

Authors Anthony Beech, Leigh Harkins, Donna Haskayne, C Sweeney, Andy Watson (Centre for Forensic and Criminal Psychology, University of Birmingham, Unversity of Brimingham)

Published 2009

Artform Drama

Organisation Geese Theatre

Participant type Male Adult Offenders

Sample size: 34

Evaluation of Geese Theatre's Reconnect Programme 2008

This study examines the impact of Geese Theatre’s Reconnect programme on the men who attended it. Evaluation objectives: 1. to determine whether improvements would be observed on psychometric tests measuring self-efficacy, motivation to change, and confidence in a range of skills. 2. to determine whether behaviour and engagement within the ... read on →

Authors Anthony Beech, Leigh Harkins, Donna Haskayne, Cecilia Pritchard, Andy Watson (Centre for Forensic and Criminal Psychology, University of Birmingham, Unversity of Brimingham)

Published 2008

Artform Drama

Organisation Geese Theatre

Participant type Male Adult Offenders, Female Adult Offenders

Sample size: 113

Promoting Positive Change

This report looked at the longer-term benefits of taking part in Good Vibrations.  The researchers found that participants in Good Vibrations courses maintained the positive benefits six to nine months on, and in particular that participants experienced:

  • Greater levels of engagement and an increased openness to wider learning
  • Improved listening ... read on →

    Authors David Wilson, Susie Atherton, Laura Caulfield (Birmingham City University)

    Published 2008

    Organisation Good Vibrations   Project venues Dovegate, Grendon, Peterborough

    Participant type Male Adult Offenders

  • Beats & Bars - Music in Prisons: An Evaluation

    The report evaluated a series of five-day music projects which took place in eight men’s prisons across England from October 2007 to July 2008. The evaluation was aimed at understanding the impact of the project on its participants’ engagement with purposeful activities whilst in prison. In particular the impact of ... read on →

    Authors Alexandra Cox, Loraine Gelsthorpe (Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge , University of Cambridge)


    Artform Music

    Organisation The Irene Taylor Trust (Music in Prisons)   Project venues Brixton , Edmunds Hill, Littlehey, Manchester, Wandsworth, Wayland, Whatton

    Participant type Male Adult Offenders

    Sample size: 69

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