Evaluation Title

Interim evaluation report: Overview and impact of delivery work in Year 2

Type of evaluation

Data type Qualitative

Evaluation Focus Distinctive contribution of Arts, Impact of arts-based approaches, Well Being

Key indicators Impact on Institution, Quality of participatory arts, Relationships with staff, Well Being

Project output Arts-based workshops

Methodologies Discussion, Interviews, Observation, Questionnaires, SWOT analysis

Research limitations Access to participants, Longer term impact

Summary of evaluation

This evaluation is a participant-focused evaluation, looking at the responses of detainees actively participating in the project, members of IRC staff who were directly involved, and how members of the community responded to two of the community exchange projects which took place in 2008/2009.

It covers the three key areas of the music interventions, quality of life for detainees and channels of communication (with local communities and the wider public) - within these the evaluation focuses on self-expression, culurally relevant music, group dynamics, stress relief, culturl wellbeing and enjoyment.

Project description

The make-up of the programme lends itself to encouraging people to participate at different levels, whether they have existing musical skills or not, and it activities have been successful in involving detainees from a wide range of nationalities (40 nationalities recorded in the sessions analysed in Year 2) - although some sessions have performance elements, which are very well received by detainees, all sessions also have interactive elements.

Key Quote

The range of activities provided by MID partners during the period this evaluation covers has largely been very effective in facilitating self-expression.

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