Evaluation Title

Music in our Time - an evaluation of a participatory creative music programme for older prisoners

Type of evaluation

Data type Qualitative

Evaluation Focus Health, Well Being

Key indicators Artform skills, Health, Well Being

Methodologies Focus Groups, Interviews, Observation, Participant observation

Research limitations Sample category accuracy

Summary of evaluation

An evaluation of a participatory creative music programme for older prisoners in 6 prisons to assess its impact on improving health and well being. The evaluation focused on analysing the workshop experience; benefits and opportunities of the programme; and the perspectives of the musicians.

Project description

Music in Time was one of 315 projects awarded funding from the £20million Transformation Fund. It represented a collaborative venture involving Superact CIC, the Age Concern Older Offenders Project (ACOOP), the University of the West of England, Bristol and HM Prison Service. Superact delivered six programmes across five prisons in the South West region, including one female establishment during 2009 and 2010.

Key Quote

The findings concluded that programmes like this bring to prisoners an array of personal and social opportunities, including improved self confidence, self esteem, self efficacy, interpersonal and communication skills, focus and discipline, enhanced well-being, and improved mental health.

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