Evaluation Title

Sounding Out - Jim Cartwright

Type of evaluation

Data type Qualitative and Quantitative

Evaluation Focus Attitudinal change, Behaviour change, Confidence, Distinctive contribution of Arts, Impact of programme, Participation, Personal development, Reducing offending, Rehabilitation, Resettlement, Self-Efficacy, Self-Esteem, Sense of self, Skills development, SROI - Social Return On Investment, Well Being

Key indicators Personal skills, Social and Life Skills

Project outputs Accreditation, Arts Award, Arts-based workshops, Performances

Methodologies Feedback forms, Interviews, Observation, Questionnaires, SROI analysis

Research limitations Sample size

Summary of evaluation

The report followed Music in Prisons as they ran a pilot ‘through the gate’ project which, through music, aimed to provide longer-term rehabilitative opportunities to previous project participants in order to help bridge the gap between life inside and out prison. The key aims were to assist reintegration; impact on reoffending rates and returns to prison; impact on employment and further training; improve wellbeing, motivation and aspirations; provide a level of financial assistance; provide a positive activity base that fostered new opportunities.

Key Quote

“’Steve’ completed 18 months on licence from prison and there was no contact with the police during this time or any intelligence linking him to criminal activity. This is a significant period for Steve to avoid re-offending and I honestly believe his involvement in Sounding Out was the principal reason”. Probation Officer

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