Evaluation Title
Evaluation of the Sounds Good Pilot Programme
Type of evaluation
Data type Qualitative
Evaluation Focus Engagement, Literacy and numeracy
Key indicators Attitudinal change, Engagement, Literacy skills
Project output Arts Award
Research limitations Pilot programme
Summary of evaluation
An independent evaluation of music based pilot programme for NEET young people. It focuses on the delvery and impact of the programme, especially regarding engagement in Education,Triaining and Employment (ETE), basic skills and educational achievement and young peoples' attitudes towards education progression routes.
Project description
The Sounds Good pilot programmes are short intensive basic skills courses targeted at those young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) or those who are at risk of becoming NEET upon reaching school-leaving age. The programmes aim to engage these young people in a structured 3-week programme, built around the Sounds Good programme.
'Sounds Good The Story of a Band' embeds basic skills in a motivational learning programme, built around a simulation whereby young people form an imaginary band. The programme has a strong emphasis on basic skills and seeks to facilitate progression on to other education, training and employment.
Key Quote
All but one of the 31 young people who started the pilot programme completed it and achieved the Bronze Arts Award qualification. There were also significant gains in literacy and numeracy skills, with around 70% increasing their assessment scores and at least a third increasing enough to reach the next literacy or numeracy level.
Total sample size
31- Male and Female Juvenile NEET
MusicCJS Context
Evaluating organisation
Maree Adams
Conducted: March 2009 – April 2009
Published: November 2009
Type: Independent Report