Evaluation Title

An Evaluation of Talent 4... Europe LLP-TOI programme: A Group Programme to Identify Talent and Skills

Type of evaluation

Data type Qualitative and Quantitative

Evaluation Focus Attitudinal change, Impact of arts-based approaches, Impact of programme, Personal development, Rehabilitation, Self-Efficacy

Key indicator Attitudinal change

Methodology Questionnaires

Research limitations Control Groups, Longer term impact

Summary of evaluation

This report is an evaluation of Rideout’s Talent 4… Europe programme. Talent 4… is an arts-based diagnostic programme designed to help participants identify personal strengths and skills to help increase motivation and inform better decision making about future training or employment. This evaluation analyses data from a total of 234 participants of the workshop that were delivered by seven partner organisations in six EU countries in 2013 & 2014. Data shows a statistically significant impact on raising aspirations of those taking part. Talent 4… Europe activity was a Transfer of Innovation project funded by the EU Leonardo Lifelong Learning Programme.

Project description

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