Evaluation Title

Impact of theatre-based projects in a Medium Secure Hospital environment

Type of evaluation

Data type Qualitative and Quantitative

Evaluation Focus Attitudinal change, Behaviour change, Impact on institution

Key indicators Attitudinal change, Behavioural change, Relationships with staff

Project output Structured workshop programme

Summary of evaluation

This is an evaluation of a three year project which took place in St Andrews Medium Secure Hospital in Birmingham.  The study will provide a comparison of the impact on the different wards and will include an exploration of the impact on the patients, the staff and the general atmosphere on the ward.

The study is being led by Dr Dawn Fisher, Lead Consultant Psychologist at St Andrew’s Healthcare, Birmingham and an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham. Dr. Fisher has worked with sex offenders throughout her career and has published widely on the topic and spoken regularly at conferences. She has been involved in research evaluating the effectiveness of sex offender treatment programmes, co-authored an accredited sex offender treatment programme and was a member of the Correctional Services Panel for several years. She was a founder member of NOTA.

Project description

Geese Theatre worked in six wards, providing 16 inputs on each ward over a three-year period. Wards which hosted the project included a women’s ward, a medium secure acute ward, a low secure “step down” ward, and a ward for men with ASD.

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