Evaluation Title

“The Good Days are Amazing”  An Evaluation of the Writers in Prison Network 

Type of evaluation

Data type Qualitative

Evaluation Focus Impact of arts-based approaches, Impact of programme, Improved model of delivery

Key indicators Best practice review, Impact on Institution, Programme design, Relationships with staff

Project outputs Accredited Course, Arts-based workshops

Methodologies Diaries, Focus Groups, Interviews, Literature search, Observation, Outcomes analysis, Questionnaires

Summary of evaluation

This qualitative evaluation by Sheffield Hallam University was designed to:

It looks at the challenges, benefits, administration and outlines development potential and recommendations.

Project description

The Writers in Prison Network puts writers and creative artists into prisons to deliver creative writing, drama, video, music, oral storytelling, journalism, creative reading and publishing programmes. They aim to work with all levels of ability, from below level one literacy to beyond PhD, inspiring and engaging all members of the prison population - at any time there are between 10 -16 writers in residence working in UK prisons.

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