
Supporting employability and personal effectiveness through the arts: international evaluation of this European Project by Jo Cursley

Supporting employability and personal effectiveness (SEPE) is the name of a qualification which was first conceived by the University of Exeter, developed and accredited by Edexcel and piloted through Superact by funding from Leonardo Lifelong Learning Project and the Medicor Foundation in five European countries. The arts were used as ... read on →

Author Jo Cursley (University of Exeter)

Published 2012

Artforms Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts

Participant type Male and Female Adult Offenders

The Academy: a report on outcomes for participants

An evaluation of the two-year experimental phase of Dance United’s Academy project, this report showed that the Academy’s dance-led education programme delivered measurable increases in their capacity to learn and imparted a range of so-called ‘soft’ skills, which can, in turn, be linked to very favourable ‘hard’ outcomes in criminal ... read on →

Authors Andrew Miles, Paul Srauss (Centre for Research on Socio-cultural Change, University of Manchester)

Published 2008

Artform Dance

Organisation Dance United   Project venues Askham Grange, Bradford, Leeds, Wetherby

Participant type Male and Female Juvenile Offenders, Female Juvenile Offenders, Male Adult Offenders, Male and Female Child School pupils

Sample size: 64

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