Art on the Inside: How Do Prison Art Teachers Maintain Their Professional Practice as Artist?
This evaluation asks the question: how do prison art teachers actively seek out opportunity for development and advancement in their specialist field? It empowers the voice of eight prison art teachers as artists working within a broad context of custodial settings including young offender’s institutes, adult male prisons and a ... read on →
Interim evaluation report: Overview and impact of delivery work in Year 2
This evaluation is a participant-focused evaluation, looking at the responses of detainees actively participating in the project, members of IRC staff who were directly involved, and how members of the community responded to two of the community exchange projects which took place in 2008/2009. It covers the three key areas ... read on →
Summer Arts Colleges 2006: Evaluation Report
An indendepent evaluation of the seven Summer Arts Colleges programmes run in 2006, focusing on the effectivenss of an arts-based structured prorgamme, progression routes to ETE and reducing re-offending in the 2 months following the programme. The main findings of the Summer Arts College evaluation are largely positive. For most ... read on →