Evaluation Title
Summer Arts Colleges 2006: Evaluation Report
Type of evaluation
Data type Qualitative and Quantitative
Evaluation Focus Engagement, Improved model of delivery, Literacy and numeracy, Progression Routes
Key indicators Attendance, Engagement, Literacy skills, Programme design, Programme integrity, Progression Routes
Project outputs Arts Award, Structured workshop programme
Methodologies Asset analysis, Attendance registers, Discussion, Interviews, Tracking forms
Summary of evaluation
An indendepent evaluation of the seven Summer Arts Colleges programmes run in 2006, focusing on the effectivenss of an arts-based structured prorgamme, progression routes to ETE and reducing re-offending in the 2 months following the programme.
The main findings of the Summer Arts College evaluation are
largely positive. For most of the group:
• educational engagement was relatively high;
• there were significant artistic and creative achievements;
• there was a substantial fall in offending recorded by the Youth Offending Teams.
There is also some evidence that these gains proved durable for significant numbers of the group in the succeeding months. educational and offending careers, demographics, risk factors for offending, attitudes towards the arts, education and offending, and participation levels.
Project description
The seven Summer Arts Colleges in 2006 represented an ambitious attempt to implement several strands of the PLUS Strategy: extensive use of arts enrichment resources, training, and a specified project model.
The Colleges operated in Leeds, Doncaster, Trafford, Cambridge, Leicestershire, Harrow and Eastbourne for the six weeks of the schools summer holiday. Seventy-six young people participated in the college across the seven sites. The PLUS Strategy Team devised a detailed specification for the delivery of the Summer Arts Colleges, which formed the basis of contracts with each of the participating Youth Offending Teams.
Key Quote
Measured against the specific objectives laid down in the specification there were significant achievements in the areas of educational engagement and progression, creative participation and reductions in offending. The area of greatest success was perhaps in educational engagement, which seems to have endured after the Summer Arts Colleges.
Total sample size
76- Male and Female Young Offenders
Multi-ArtsCJS Context
Evaluating organisation
Not defined
Conducted: July 2006 – September 2006
Published: November 2007
Type: Independent Report