Organisations and institutions
Nottingham Trent University
Nottingham Trent University (NTU) was established in 1992 - formerly Trent Polytechnic from 1970.
Their Institutional Repository (IRep) enables NTU to share research and intellectual outputs, both internally and externally.
Evaluations as related organisation (3)
Evaluation of the use of 'Good Vibrations' percussion courses to improve motivation to change and treatment readiness with convicted sexual offenders embarking on treatment programmes
Previous research has highlighted the benefits of implementing music-centred interventions in correctional settings. The present study used a mixed method approach to explore prisoners’ experiences of a week-long Indonesian percussion music course, introduced in a UK sex offender prison to enhance motivation and readiness for change pre-treatment. Study one examined ... read on →
Summer Arts Colleges 2006: Evaluation Report
An indendepent evaluation of the seven Summer Arts Colleges programmes run in 2006, focusing on the effectivenss of an arts-based structured prorgamme, progression routes to ETE and reducing re-offending in the 2 months following the programme. The main findings of the Summer Arts College evaluation are largely positive. For most ... read on →
Access, participation and progression in the arts for young people on Detention and Training Orders
An Arts Council England (ACE) research study to establish benchmarks for access, participation and progression in the arts for young people on DTOs; identify what young people perceive as the critical barriers to their participation and progression in the arts; explore what associated professionals perceive to be the critical barriers ... read on →