Organisations and institutions

Fine Cell Work

Fine Cell Work is a social enterprise set up 14 years ago to enable prisoners to practice a professional craft skill and earn and save money from it. Fine Cell Work trains prisoners in paid, skilled, creative needlework undertaken in the long hours spent in their cells to foster hope, discipline and self esteem. This helps them to connect to society and to leave prison with the confidence and financial means to stop offending. Category: Arts Organisation

Evaluations as member organisation (1)

Stitching a Future - an Evaluation of Fine Cell Work

An independent qualitative evaluation into the work of Fine Cell Work (FCW) in five prisons across England and Scotland, to identify the key benefits of being involved with FCW, establish why offenders participate and continue their involvement and investigate changes in soft outcomes such as behaviour, feelings about prison and ... read on →

Published July 2011

Artform Needlework

Organisation Fine Cell Work

Participant type Male and Female Adult Offenders

Sample size: 22


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