Organisations and institutions
Thames Valley Partnership
Thames Valley Partnership works in partnership with the statutory, private and voluntary sectors to provide long-term sustainable solutions to the problems of crime and social exclusion.
Category: Arts OrganisationEvaluations as member organisation (3)
Women at the HeArt Evaluation Report
Women at the HeArtwas a Thames Valley Partnership project, funded by Arts Council England, The Monument Trust and Thames Valley Probation, building on the organisation’s experience of using the arts with vulnerable groups. Aims:
In Transit: unpicking the narrative of a participatory arts project
This report uses qualitative evaluation to define other key factors influencing participation in arts-based activities through descriptions of other narratives of the participants “buried beneath the surface”, where both social and artistic aims were achieved. read on →
Urban Beatz 2007 at Beaconsfield School: Social Return on Investment Report
A report on the feasibility of conducting a retrospective SROI analysis of a small-scale school-based arts project. The evaluation measured the impact of the project on levels of participation, behaviour and absences, while the SROI used ‘social cost’ data to calculate the monetary benefit to society of its impact. The ... read on →
Evaluations as related organisation (1)
Women at the HeArt Evaluation Report
Women at the HeArtwas a Thames Valley Partnership project, funded by Arts Council England, The Monument Trust and Thames Valley Probation, building on the organisation’s experience of using the arts with vulnerable groups. Aims: