Organisations and institutions
Evaluations as host organisation (3)
The Arts of Desistance: Evaluation of the Koestler Trust Arts Mentoring Programme for Former Prisoners
This report presents and discusses the findings of an evaluation of an arts-based mentoring scheme that is aimed at prolonging and enhancing desistance from crime through providing former prisoners with opportunities to continue engaging with the arts after release. The evaluation focused both on the implementation and effectiveness of the ... read on →
Promoting Positive Change
This report looked at the longer-term benefits of taking part in Good Vibrations. The researchers found that participants in Good Vibrations courses maintained the positive benefits six to nine months on, and in particular that participants experienced:
Breaking Down Walls - The Good Vibrations Project in Prison
This study looked at the educational benefits of taking part in Good Vibrations, setting its work in the context of prison education in the UK. It also assessed the value-for-money of Good Vibrations courses.The evaluation was specifically commissioned to build upon two earlier evaluations undertaken by Good Vibrations themselves (see ... read on →