Organisations and institutions
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
The purpose of the UK Branch in London is to enrich and connect the experiences of individuals, families and communities, with a special interest in supporting those who are most disadvantaged.
Category: Trusts & Foundations
Evaluations as member organisation (2)
Serious Play: an evaluation of arts activities in Pupil Referral Units and Learning Support Units
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation commissioned the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) to conduct research into the effects and effectiveness of arts projects in PRUs and LSUs. The study was also to consider the distinctive contribution that arts activities (as compared with other curriculum experiences) might make to pupils’ educational, ... read on →
Creating Chances: Arts interventions in Pupil Referral Units and Learning Support Units
A ‘narrative’ evaluation giving an impressionistic account of 12 visits made to arts projects in Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) and Learning Support Units (LSUs) around the country, trying to capture the actuality of the experiences that each centre was going through. read on →