
Art on the Inside: How Do Prison Art Teachers Maintain Their Professional Practice as Artist?

This evaluation asks the question: how do prison art teachers actively seek out opportunity for development and advancement in their specialist field? It empowers the voice of eight prison art teachers as artists working within a broad context of custodial settings including young offender’s institutes, adult male prisons and a ... read on →

Author Sophie Nickeas

Published August 2016

Artform Visual Arts

Organisation University of West London   Project venues HMP Highdown, HMP Lewes, HMP/YOI Bronzefield, HMYOI Cookham Wood, HMYOI Wetherby

Participant type Male and Female Adult Art teachers working in prisons/YOIs

Sample size: 8

Write to be Heard: Supporting Offender Learning through Creative Writing

The report explores the impact of a creative writing programme developed to engage ‘hard to reach’ learners in prison.   The mechanism was a creative writing competition, incorporating a schedule of workshops in 28 prisons, encouraging entrants to write pieces for broadcast on National Prison Radio (NPR).  Using qualitative and quantitative ... read on →

Authors Jane Hurry, Patrice Lawrence, Jessica Plant, Anita Wilson (Arts Alliance)

Published March 2014

Artform Creative Writing

Organisation Arts Alliance   Project venue Prisons around the UK

Participant type Male and Female Adult Offenders

Musical Pathways: an exploratory study of young people in the criminal justice system, engaged with a creative music programme

118 young people engaged in a participatory music programme across eight youth justice settings in England and Wales. The research objectives were to [1] investigate meanings and values young offenders attribute to music, their relationships with music, and its significance to their health, wellbeing, lifestyle and social status; [2] observe ... read on →

Authors Norma Daykin, Nick de Viggiani, Yvonne Moriaty, Paul Pilkington (University of the West of England )

Published January 2014

Artform Music

Organisations Superact, University of the West of England

Participant type Male and Female Juvenile Young People at risk

Sounding Out - Jim Cartwright

The report followed Music in Prisons as they ran a pilot ‘through the gate’ project which, through music, aimed to provide longer-term rehabilitative opportunities to previous project participants in order to help bridge the gap between life inside and out prison. The key aims were to assist reintegration; impact on ... read on →

Published 2013

Artform Music

Participant type Male and Female Adult Ex offenders

Sample size: 7

Re-imagining futures: Exploring arts interventions and the process of desistance

Carried out by Northumbria University and Bath Spa University, this report highlights examples of how the arts can support positive changes linked to personal agency, efficacy and identity, which are linked to the highly individualised journey of desistance from criminal behaviour. Key findings show that participation in arts activities enables ... read on →

Authors Charlotte Bilby, Laura Caulfield, Louise Ridley

Published November 2013

Artforms Craft, Creative Writing, Music, Visual Arts

Organisation Arts Alliance

Participant type Male and Female Adult Offenders

Sample size: 30

The Academy: a report on outcomes for participants

An evaluation of the two-year experimental phase of Dance United’s Academy project, this report showed that the Academy’s dance-led education programme delivered measurable increases in their capacity to learn and imparted a range of so-called ‘soft’ skills, which can, in turn, be linked to very favourable ‘hard’ outcomes in criminal ... read on →

Authors Andrew Miles, Paul Srauss (Centre for Research on Socio-cultural Change, University of Manchester)

Published 2008

Artform Dance

Organisation Dance United   Project venues Askham Grange, Bradford, Leeds, Wetherby

Participant type Male and Female Juvenile Offenders, Female Juvenile Offenders, Male Adult Offenders, Male and Female Child School pupils

Sample size: 64

Developments in the HM Prison Service and Safe Ground Family Man programme, and the Safe Ground Network during 2007-8: An independent review

The purpose of this evaulation was to examine the developments Safe Ground had made to one of its prison interventions, Family Man, and to the Safe Ground network during the period 2007-08 following recommendations made in previous reviews. It utilised semi structured qualitative face to face interviews, telephone interviews and questionnaires ... read on →

Authors Gwyneth Boswell, Fiona Poland

Published October 2008

Artform Drama

Organisation Safe Ground   Project venues Belmarsh, Wandsworth

Participant type Male and Female Adult Families of offenders, Male Adult Offenders, Male and Female Adult Staff

Sample size: 258

What's the Point: using drama to engage young people at risk

This report summarises the findings of case study research into a drama based Positive Activities for Young People (PAYP) project. The findings of this case study research suggest the following factors need to be considered and implemented for the effective use of arts projects within key programmes targeting young people ... read on →

Author Angus McLewin (Arts Council England)

Published August 2006

Artform Drama

Organisation Tipp

Participant type Male and Female Juvenile Young People at risk

Sample size: 9

Serious Play: an evaluation of arts activities in Pupil Referral Units and Learning Support Units

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation commissioned the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) to conduct research into the effects and effectiveness of arts projects in PRUs and LSUs. The study was also to consider the distinctive contribution that arts activities (as compared with other curriculum experiences) might make to pupils’ educational, ... read on →

Authors Caroline Gulliver, Kay Kinder, Anne Wilkin (National Foundation for Educational Research)

Published 2005

Artform Multi-Arts

Organisation Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Participant type Male and Female Child School pupils, Male and Female Adult Staff

Sample size: 49

Creating Chances: Arts interventions in Pupil Referral Units and Learning Support Units

A ‘narrative’ evaluation giving an impressionistic account of 12 visits made to arts projects in Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) and Learning Support Units (LSUs) around the country, trying to capture the actuality of the experiences that each centre was going through. read on →

Author Richard Ings

Published 2004

Artform Multi-Arts

Organisation Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Participant type Male and Female Child School pupils

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