The Lullaby Project: areas of change and mechanisms of impact
Creative projects and their potential towards positive psychosocial change have been consistently evidenced, particularly with vulnerable groups. The Lullaby Project (developed by Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute in New York) has now been implemented in UK through two pilot experiences where the Irene Taylor Trust (who led the initiative), brought ... read on →
The Arts of Desistance: Evaluation of the Koestler Trust Arts Mentoring Programme for Former Prisoners
This report presents and discusses the findings of an evaluation of an arts-based mentoring scheme that is aimed at prolonging and enhancing desistance from crime through providing former prisoners with opportunities to continue engaging with the arts after release. The evaluation focused both on the implementation and effectiveness of the ... read on →
Sounding Out - Jim Cartwright
The report followed Music in Prisons as they ran a pilot ‘through the gate’ project which, through music, aimed to provide longer-term rehabilitative opportunities to previous project participants in order to help bridge the gap between life inside and out prison. The key aims were to assist reintegration; impact on ... read on →
Good Vibrations: Music and social education for young offenders
This evaluation looked at the project from the point of view of music education, identifying individual and social factors generated through musical development that also are attributed to desistence from crime. These were divided into two categories:- Individual Agency:Personal Identity Diversity Motivation Hope Self-determination Personal strengths Social Interactions: Professional relationships ... read on →
Young People not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) and Music Making
An evidence review of published, international, peer-reviewed and ‘grey’ literature that explores the effects of music making on NEET young people or those ‘at risk’ of becoming NEET, including a specfic review of 34 Youth Music funded projects that delivered music-related activity to NEET young people or those ‘at risk’ ... read on →
Challenging Offending Behaviour with a Creative Twist
A review of arts-based practice within Leicester City Youth Offending Service (YOS) engaging young people at risk of offending - including YP on RAP and ISSP programmes. Descriptions of visual, drama, media and music interventiions including case study projects from organisations such as Soft Touch as well as the national ... read on →
The Great Escape: exploring the rehabilitative dynamics involved in 'Changing Tunes'
The goal of this report is to develop a 'logic model' that can account for how Changing Tunes (CT) works as a rehabilitative strategy, outlining both the dynamic processes involved and their immediate/short-term and medium/longer-term impacts on the lives of participants. This analysis identified seven, key elements of the CT ... read on →
Interim evaluation report: Overview and impact of delivery work in Year 2
This evaluation is a participant-focused evaluation, looking at the responses of detainees actively participating in the project, members of IRC staff who were directly involved, and how members of the community responded to two of the community exchange projects which took place in 2008/2009. It covers the three key areas ... read on →
From the Favela to our Manor - Translating AfroReggae
A narrative-based evaluation charting and discussing the impact and issues involved in brazilian-based AfroReggae’s project work in the UK with young people at risk in the inner city in London and Manchester in 2006. “What can we learn from AfroReggae for our own development of effective practice in creative and ... read on →
Interim evaluation report: May 2007 – May 2008
An evaluation of the projects delivered by Music In Detention (MiD) in 3 Immigration Removal Centres (IRCs) during 2007-08. It covers the music interventions, quality of life (for detainees) and channels of communicaton (between IRCs and communities/wider public). Within these areas it focused on the elements of self-expression, culturally relevant ... read on →
Beats & Bars - Music in Prisons: An Evaluation
The report evaluated a series of five-day music projects which took place in eight men’s prisons across England from October 2007 to July 2008. The evaluation was aimed at understanding the impact of the project on its participants’ engagement with purposeful activities whilst in prison. In particular the impact of ... read on →
Fair!: An evaluation of a Music in Prisons and National Youth Theatre collaboration at HMPYOI Bullwood Hall
Fair is an evaluation of a collaborative project between Music in Prisons and the National Youth Theatre. The project involved the creation of an original piece of music theatre devised and performed by 19 women. This report summarises the immediate effects of the project and the results of evaluation and ... read on →