
The Arts of Desistance: Evaluation of the Koestler Trust Arts Mentoring Programme for Former Prisoners

This report presents and discusses the findings of an evaluation of an arts-based mentoring scheme that is aimed at prolonging and enhancing desistance from crime through providing former prisoners with opportunities to continue engaging with the arts after release. The evaluation focused both on the implementation and effectiveness of the ... read on →

Author Leonidas Cheliotis (London School of Economics)

Published October 2014

Artforms Creative Writing, Multi-Arts, Music, Visual Arts

Organisation Koestler Trust   Project venues Parc, Peterborough

Participant type Male and Female Adult Ex offenders

Sample size: 60

Write to be Heard: Supporting Offender Learning through Creative Writing

The report explores the impact of a creative writing programme developed to engage ‘hard to reach’ learners in prison.   The mechanism was a creative writing competition, incorporating a schedule of workshops in 28 prisons, encouraging entrants to write pieces for broadcast on National Prison Radio (NPR).  Using qualitative and quantitative ... read on →

Authors Jane Hurry, Patrice Lawrence, Jessica Plant, Anita Wilson (Arts Alliance)

Published March 2014

Artform Creative Writing

Organisation Arts Alliance   Project venue Prisons around the UK

Participant type Male and Female Adult Offenders

Sounding Out - Jim Cartwright

The report followed Music in Prisons as they ran a pilot ‘through the gate’ project which, through music, aimed to provide longer-term rehabilitative opportunities to previous project participants in order to help bridge the gap between life inside and out prison. The key aims were to assist reintegration; impact on ... read on →

Published 2013

Artform Music

Participant type Male and Female Adult Ex offenders

Sample size: 7

Impact of theatre-based projects in a Medium Secure Hospital environment

This is an evaluation of a three year project which took place in St Andrews Medium Secure Hospital in Birmingham.  The study will provide a comparison of the impact on the different wards and will include an exploration of the impact on the patients, the staff and the general atmosphere ... read on →

Published 2013

Artform Drama

Organisation Geese Theatre

Family Man: 2012-13 Evaluation Scope

The purpose of this evaluation is to demonstrate the long-term impact and cost-effectiveness of Family Man to policy makers, funders, prisons and practitioners; and to complement Gwyneth Boswell’s qualitative study of the revised Family Man and other previous evaluations. read on →

Published 2013

Artform Drama

Organisation Safe Ground   Project venues Belmarsh, Birmingham, Bristol, Dovegate, Highpoint, Leeds, Parc, Wandsworth

Participant type Male and Female Adult Families of offenders, Male and Female Juvenile Families of offenders, Male Adult Offenders, Male and Female Adult Prison Staff

Sample size: 500

The ‘Family Man’ Impact Study

An Evaluation of the Longer-Term Effectiveness of Safe Ground’s Revised Family Relationships Programme on Prisoner Graduates, their Supporters and Families, this independent study assessed the longer-term impact of the Family Man programme delivered in HMPs Belmarsh, Birmingham, Bristol, Highpoint, Leeds, Parc (Wales) and Wandsworth from 2008-10. It concluded that the ... read on →

Authors Gwyneth Boswell, Annie Moseley, Fiona Poland (School of Allied Health Professions, University of East Anglia , University of East Anglia )

Published October 2011

Artform Drama

Organisation Safe Ground   Project venues Belmarsh, Birmingham, Bristol, Highpoint, Leeds, Parc, Wandsworth

Participant type Male Adult Offenders

Sample size: 54

Evaluation of Geese Theatre's Reconnect Programme 2008

This study examines the impact of Geese Theatre’s Reconnect programme on the men who attended it. Evaluation objectives: 1. to determine whether improvements would be observed on psychometric tests measuring self-efficacy, motivation to change, and confidence in a range of skills. 2. to determine whether behaviour and engagement within the ... read on →

Authors Anthony Beech, Leigh Harkins, Donna Haskayne, Cecilia Pritchard, Andy Watson (Centre for Forensic and Criminal Psychology, University of Birmingham, Unversity of Brimingham)

Published 2008

Artform Drama

Organisation Geese Theatre

Participant type Male Adult Offenders, Female Adult Offenders

Sample size: 113

Developments in the HM Prison Service and Safe Ground Family Man programme, and the Safe Ground Network during 2007-8: An independent review

The purpose of this evaulation was to examine the developments Safe Ground had made to one of its prison interventions, Family Man, and to the Safe Ground network during the period 2007-08 following recommendations made in previous reviews. It utilised semi structured qualitative face to face interviews, telephone interviews and questionnaires ... read on →

Authors Gwyneth Boswell, Fiona Poland

Published October 2008

Artform Drama

Organisation Safe Ground   Project venues Belmarsh, Wandsworth

Participant type Male and Female Adult Families of offenders, Male Adult Offenders, Male and Female Adult Staff

Sample size: 258

Beats & Bars - Music in Prisons: An Evaluation

The report evaluated a series of five-day music projects which took place in eight men’s prisons across England from October 2007 to July 2008. The evaluation was aimed at understanding the impact of the project on its participants’ engagement with purposeful activities whilst in prison. In particular the impact of ... read on →

Authors Alexandra Cox, Loraine Gelsthorpe (Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge , University of Cambridge)


Artform Music

Organisation The Irene Taylor Trust (Music in Prisons)   Project venues Brixton , Edmunds Hill, Littlehey, Manchester, Wandsworth, Wayland, Whatton

Participant type Male Adult Offenders

Sample size: 69

Evaluation of the Miss Spent Programme 2008

PPRG were commissioned to evaluate the Miss Spent programme from January 2006 using a multi-method research design including interviews and focus groups and documentary analysis. The evaluation considered: • the impact of the project on participants; • the contribution made to tackling offending behaviour and the causes of youth crime; ... read on →

Author Susannah Eagle (Policy and Practice Research Group, South Bank University, South Bank University)


Artform Multi-Arts

Organisation Clean Break

Participant type Female Juvenile Offenders

Sample size: 26

Impact of Fathers Inside – an OLSU and Safe Ground Parenting Course for male prisoners at HMP Ashwell

A nine month evaluation of Fathers Inside at HMP Ashwell that includes a range of data from programme documents, comparative literature and research, direct observation of the programme, and from semi-structured interviews with participant prisoners, their partners, child-carers and children. It concludes that Fathers Inside brings about changes in parenting ... read on →

Authors Gwyneth Boswell, Avril Price, Peter Wedge (Community & Criminal Justice Research Unit, De Montfort University, De Montfort University Leicester)

Published June 2004

Artform Drama

Organisation Safe Ground   Project venue Ashwell

Participant type Male Adult Offenders

Sample size: 26

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